Eagle Scout Process

Becoming an Eagle Scout is a great way to demonstrate your leadership and showcase the things you have learned on your journey to where you are. Below is a shortened list of the requirements from the BSA website for Eagle Scout Rank Advancement on completing and submitting your Eagle Scout Application.

Isaiah 40:31 - "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."

  1. Complete All The Requirements
    1. Confirm that the following requirements have been or will be completed before the 18th birthday: 
      1. 21 Merit Badges
      2. Eagle Project
      3. Active Participation
      4. Scout Spirit
      5. Position of Responsibility
      6. Scoutmaster Conference (Note that the Scoutmaster conference need not be the last item accomplished. The board of review may be conducted after the 18th birthday.)
  2. Select an Eagle Coach and Mentor
    1. The Mustang District advancement committee requires each Eagle Scout candidate have an Eagle Coach and an Eagle Mentor. Ask one of the scout advisers to help you find one.
      1. Eagle Coach
        1. Works with the Scout on their Eagle Project from proposal though report.
        2. Asks questions that helps the young man reach an outcome that will ultimately lead to the success of the project.
      2. Eagle Mentor
        1. Works with scouts to achieve ranks and awards beyond the Life rank.
        2. Helps with timeline recognition to ensure that goals are made that fit within the schedule of the scouts family, educational and social life.
    2. Prepare The Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook
      1. The most current workbook must be used. The workbook shows the project proposal was approved ahead of time,and then properly accepted by all parties when finished. Ideally, it will be a proud reminder of a significant accomplishment.
        1. There are three parts to the workbook. Our recommendation is to print out a copy, read it first, then use it to hand write notes and information on it during the development of each stage. Afterwards type it up in the final copy to be printed so that the scout can take advantage of spell checking and to ensure that it is legible.
          1. Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal (Send to Peggy Chen, pmchen21@aol.com)
          2. Eagle Scout Service Project Plan
          3. Eagle Scout Service Project Report
    3. Gather the required information
      1. Completed Application (BSA Form 512-728)
        1. Signatures: Applicant, unit leader, and unit committee chair. (Remaining signatures come later.) Note that signatures need not be dated before the Scout’s 18th birthday.
        2. References: Must list all six (five if not employed). If not affiliated with an organized religion, then the parent or guardian provides this reference.
        3. Merit Badges: Dates when each badge was earned; check the unit number in which each badge was earned. Attach the Application for Alternative Eagle Scout Rank Merit Badges, if applicable. Blue cards are required to be furnished.
        4. Position Of Responsibility:
          1. Attachments: Service project workbook, statement of ambitions and life purpose, and listing of positions, honors, and awards.
        1. Electronic printout of your advancement, signed by three committee members. 
          1. Get this from the Troop Committee Chair (Bro. Anderson).
        2. Copies of all Blue Cards required for Eagle Scout Application.
        3. Eagle Project Workbook fully complete and signed.
      2. Make Appointment for Scoutmaster Conference
        1. Be sure to bring your BSA Handbook with you.
        2. Ensure all signatures are obtained in scout-book and your application.
      3. Schedule an appointment with the council representative
        1. Make an appointment with Cris Wells at the longhorn council office:
          1. (817) 231-8565
          2. 662Advancements@bsamail.org
          3. 850 Cannon Drive, Hurst, TX 76054
          4. You will need the following for your appointment:
            1. Eagle Project signed and completed in a folder
            2. Electronic printout of your advancement, signed by three committee members.
            3. All blue cards needed for Eagle application.
            4. Fully signed Eagle Scout Rank application.
            5. Your BSA Handbook
        2. A copy of each piece of documentation should be made of the application, service project workbook, the Scout’s statement of ambitions and life purpose and listing of positions, honors, and awards. 
      4. Schedule Eagle Board of Review
        1. After Mr. Wells has you in the system you will need to contact David Pecora, Mustang district Eagle Board Coordinator, for your Eagle Board of Review:
          1. DAVID.PECORA@tccd.edu
        2. At your Eagle Board of Review you will need:
          1. Eagle Project signed and completed in a folder
          2. Electronic printout of your advancement, signed by three committee members.
          3. All blue cards needed for Eagle application.
          4. Fully signed Eagle Scout Rank application.
          5. Your BSA Handbook
      5. Contact Your References
        1. Council advancement committee members have the responsibility to secure recommendations from the references appearing under requirement 2 on the Eagle Scout Rank Application.
        2. It is up to the council’s designated representatives to collect the responses. If after a reasonably diligent effort no response can be obtained from any references, the board of review must go on without them. It must not be postponed or denied for this reason, and the Scout shall not be asked to submit additional references or to provide replacements.
        3. Completed reference responses of any kind are the property of the council and are confidential, and only review-board members and those officials with a specific need may see them. The responses are not to be viewed by or returned to the Scout.
      6. Application Returned To the Council Service Center
        1. The National Advancement Team validates all applications received. Then the National Distribution Center generates the credentials and prints, packages, and mails the certificate, pocket card, and congratulatory letter to the council. 

      Additional questions can be directed to:
      Audra Hampe (Mustang District Advancement Chair)
      (817) 729-6211