Your Duty to God
You are a
son of God. He has restored His priesthood in our day, and He has
entrusted you with that priesthood. The purpose of this book is to help
1. Strengthen your testimony and your relationship with God.
2. Learn and fulfill your priesthood duties.
3. Apply standards from For the Strength of Youth.
The Lord
has promised that as you fulfill your priesthood duties, you will be
sanctified by the Spirit, you will become the elect of God, and
eventually you will receive all that the Father has (see D&C 84:
33-38). Your service as a priesthood holder will bring great blessing to
those you serve.
Monthly Themes
Month Quorum Lesson Theme Duty to God Focus
January The Godhead Understand Doctrine February The Plan of Salvation Administer Priesthood Ordinances March The Atonement of Christ Understand Doctrine April Apostasy and Restoration Invite All to Come unto Christ May Prophets and Restoration Pray and Study the Scriptures June Priesthood and Keys Live Worthily July Ordinances and Covenants Understand Doctrine August Marriage and Family Live Worthily September Commandments Live Worthily October Becoming More Christlike Serve Others November Spiritual and Temporal Reliance Live Worthily December Building the Kingdom of God Understand Doctrine
In addition to the Monthly Themes above there are two Projects in the Duty to God Book for Priests about Family and Friends and Preparing to Receive the Melchizedek Priesthood that need to be completed. Here is the link for the Family and Friends Project for Duty to God.